Child Safety
The Discussion.
More than 12,000 Queensland children are in “out of home care” as wards of the state. They cannot be returned home due to neglect and/or abuse. Zero of them will have the chance for a second family where they can be brought up in the safe loving environment so vital for developing fulfilled adults. What are the current policies and outcomes? Can we do better?
Now this seems like a social justice issue people on all sides of the culture wars should be able to put their heads together on.
The Speaker.
Anthony Bishop is a regular TBD supporter who has worked in Australia Singapore and Malaysia on global development programs. He is involved in politics to pursue permanency for children in Queensland child safety system.
His professional career is in drug development and in the unlikely event the discussion runs short on child safety, Anthony is happy to field questions on what has been going on in drug development and approvals during Covid.